Wednesday, September 9, 2015

drawing : my views

dear all

this is my birthday morning -and I  have not made any special plan ,

this post is not exactly a tutorial,its more like some personal views on drawing -how I see it and how I have beginning to learn you know I post as I grow or learn things ,I hope my understandings on this subject will help you .

calling -desire to draw

in my 20;s I began to feel that regular jobs are not my aspiration.I was not made for intellectually non-challenging data-base jobs.It was becoming unbrearable(that brief encounter with 9-5 job helped me to learn many things about myself).Due to many reasons ,like social pressure or financial presure many of us deal with it.After I quit ,I focused my energy into point is if its your lifeline or calling  then go for it-this desire is important ,this hunger will help you to do  all the necessary hard work.


another thing that a beginner painter or some one who wants to experiment with  drawing or painting ,must  have or develop a strong observation our daily life we are often very busy or in hurry -we dont care to observe things .not only observing ,we sould be able to understand what we have observed .how a certain thing works -its design and structure-anatomy-its proportions with the other things around it-colours-tone -everything it have to absorb as many information as you can about this subject.we have to process a lot many information about our subject before we can re produce it in a tiny amount.its effective use of senses.if a painter paints a sea- onlooker sould be able to feel the salty air..

real life study  has no alternatives

in our time so many useful resources  are available electronically-thanks to the masters.but at their time this were unimaginable -they had to  learn it from the is the importance of STUDY.that means we have to observe real things that are present around us ,its helps us to grow our judgemeent and perception -which in turn becomes our signature styles.

time has wings

its a therapy .in my experience once you understand what its like to get intoxicated by it ,there is no turning back.the calming effect of the art is now my support system.

practice :Patience

since it was impossible for me to enter in any art collage-I had to do it privately.its not the collage or the teachers -its your self motivation and urge that counts when it comes to carrying on the practice.with out practice you are nothing.I think the more you practice the more you understand it.every day 2 hours of practice  do will shape you up pretty quickly-have patience .remember good thing takes time - no short cuts

challenge yourself

when you  want to learn on your own,then push your self a may not work out well but that initiative is what it the populat quote goes -if its not challenging you ,its not changing you.

okey guys ,,these are some of the first hand experience i have shared with you ..keep it up

see you soon

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