Sunday, April 19, 2015

some basic tricks: Photoshop

1. Press Tab, to hide the toolbars and palettes, Shift + Tab will hide only palette.

2. Shift + click on the blue bar at the top toolbar or palette, move them to the lateral border of the window.

3. Double-click the top blue bar in any window, palette, wring it.

4. Double click on the gray background will open a dialog box to open the file, Shift + double click will open a browser Adobe Bridge.

5. Tired of the gray background around the image? Grab the Paint Bucket Tool (bucket), hold down Shift + click on the gray background and it will be replaced with any color you have chosen as your foreground color.

6. To select all layers, press Alt + Ctrl + A.

7. Caps Lock will change your cursor to a precise cross.

8. Press the F, and you can choose one of 3 different screen modes, which would make the workspace more.

9. To draw a straight line with a brush or a pencil, make a click at the starting point, then hold Shift + click at the end.

10. Press Ctrl to turn any tool in the Move Tool (Move), while holding it.

11. Ctrl + Alt + click will create a copy of the image and move it while moving the mouse.

12. Pressed Space (Space) will turn any tool Hand Tool (hand), while holding it.

13. Ctrl + Space + click zoom in, Alt + Space + click - reduce.

14. Press Ctrl and "+" or "-" will zoom percentage.

15. If you use the Eyedropper Tool (pipette) while holding down the Alt - it will take a sample of the color for the background color.

16. Instrment Measure Tool (ruler) to make a line, and then hold down the Alt key and create another lin from the end of the first - you determine the angle between them.

17. Ctrl + Alt + Z and Ctrl + Shift + Z Use to cancel and return a number of actions.

18. Alt + Backspace and Ctrl + Backspace will flood the image foreground and background respectively. Shift + Backspace will cause a dialog box to fill the image. Alt + Shift + Backspace and Ctrl + Shift + Backspace will flood the image foreground and background respectively, while remaining transparent transparent plastic.

source :live internet

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