Sunday, July 5, 2015

how to dye fabric @ home : step by step instruction


thanks of bearing with me

I will request every body to go through my previous post on dye-ing @ home ,where I have covered on materials which  are used to make this dupatta of mine..

 this dye-ing process is no way crafty-its more like proffesonal..the diffence is you are dye-ing a small fabric at home.

before I start the step by step instruction,I want to share - I could relate with two tutorials ,
1) some dye powder is used with normal salt with warm water and  the fabric is dipped in it .
2) scouring ,which is noting but to clean the fabric so that color can

I find that the process that I am about to tell is a cross between these two.

lets begin

1.for one mt of fabric
MN /colour 5gm
orange salt /GC 20 gm
monopol soap 2 spoon
caustic soda 1 spoon -don't use much

let trial and error be the guide.

2.when you buy new fabric,it has a starch on it,make warm water ,add some detergent and soak it overnight to remove the starch ,srcub lightly ,and dry it.

3.before you dye the fabric please keep it soaked for at least an hour in a roomy bucket so that it can float helps dye to penetrate in the fiber . thing you want are two enamel coated bowls ,you can use any glass or porcelain bowls which can be heated over the stove.we want a non-reactive bowl here.

5.don't forget that you are about to work with some chemical compounds when boiling dyes in the kitchen.make sure you don't contaminate anything. take the GC /salt and pour it in the enamel pot.mix same amount of ,or little bit more ( around 7 spoons) of normal salt in it ,add water so that these two can be fully dessolve.keep it aside. another  enamel coated bowl mix monopol soap and MN /Colour with some water and bring it to the boiling point,keep stirring so that monopol soap can desolve.then add caustic soda.bit by may see some changes in the boiling mixture,its normal.turn off the stove then let it cool down.

8.Alert::: no amount of squeezing or wringing of the fabric is allowed when dye-ing.

9.take two buckets of water ,make sure the fabric should be able to float inside the bucket.that means enough water . one bucket /tub mix the POINT 6,in another POINT 7. remove the fabric from the bucket in which it has been soaked for an hour ,and just let the excess water drop away,then put the fabric in the bucket where you added the POINT 7.with the gloved hand stir the fabric so that it can be well soaked in the water.if you don't want to use a glove ,you can use a strong you may not see any change in colour.

12.after few minutes put the fabric in the bucket where you mixed POINT 6.stir.BAM!!!! here you will see how you fabric has changed colour.

13.repeat  the point 11 and 12 simultaneously .( at least for 4 times )you may notice how the colors are getting deeper with each dip.

14.wash the fabric with normal water,dry it in the squeezing or wringing.. time you wash it ,probably after use,wash it separately. dont take any chance,but I dont think these colours will ever bleed. you are done .enjoy you fabric.

this process may seem very long to some of you but believe me ,I had to be clear in my instructions so that everyone can follow it.

feel free to ask me ,if you have doubt.

try it.

see you soon

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