Wednesday, May 6, 2015
my villa
As I was telling in my last post,if a bottle is not altered in-to a house ,then its wasted!!and I find much pleasure when making complicated and challenging project like this...since this was my first try ,I am not fully satisfied( may be that's the problem with not satisfied easily) hence I am looking forward to have another project like this...I must mention that ,this was inspired by a Mediterranean villa..those villas are so colorful and cheerful ,that I wish I could own one..
here I live in an old city with lots of old British architectural examples,hope to integrate those flavors in my future works..
now for few days I will be working on my painting and drawing skills,its been neglected for a long time..see you next month
till then Ba-bye!
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Sunday, May 3, 2015
elf house
first of all I want to pay my respect to those whom we have lost in the massive earthquake ,happened on last 25th April,(Nepal)
ok,so another month has passed and its the time for uploading some more pictures.
Altering bottles have been a grate fun ,but not making a home out of bottle is an injustice!!
this time I have made a small elf house
here it goes
first of all I want to pay my respect to those whom we have lost in the massive earthquake ,happened on last 25th April,(Nepal)
ok,so another month has passed and its the time for uploading some more pictures.
Altering bottles have been a grate fun ,but not making a home out of bottle is an injustice!!
this time I have made a small elf house
here it goes
Saturday, May 2, 2015
photoshop tricks
1. Press Tab, to hide the toolbars and palettes, Shift + Tab will hide only palette.
2. Shift + click on the blue bar at the top toolbar or palette, move them to the lateral border of the window.
3. Double-click the top blue bar in any window, palette, wring it.
4. Double click on the gray background will open a dialog box to open the file, Shift + double click will open a browser Adobe Bridge.
5. Tired of the gray background around the image? Grab the Paint Bucket Tool (bucket), hold down Shift + click on the gray background and it will be replaced with any color you have chosen as your foreground color.
6. To select all layers, press Alt + Ctrl + A.
7. Caps Lock will change your cursor to a precise cross.
8. Press the F, and you can choose one of 3 different screen modes, which would make the workspace more.
9. To draw a straight line with a brush or a pencil, make a click at the starting point, then hold Shift + click at the end.
10. Press Ctrl to turn any tool in the Move Tool (Move), while holding it.
11. Ctrl + Alt + click will create a copy of the image and move it while moving the mouse.
12. Pressed Space (Space) will turn any tool Hand Tool (hand), while holding it.
13. Ctrl + Space + click zoom in, Alt + Space + click - reduce.
14. Press Ctrl and "+" or "-" will zoom percentage.
15. If you use the Eyedropper Tool (pipette) while holding down the Alt - it will take a sample of the color for the background color.
16. Instrment Measure Tool (ruler) to make a line, and then hold down the Alt key and create another lin from the end of the first - you determine the angle between them.
17. Ctrl + Alt + Z and Ctrl + Shift + Z Use to cancel and return a number of actions.
18. Alt + Backspace and Ctrl + Backspace will flood the image foreground and background respectively. Shift + Backspace will cause a dialog box to fill the image. Alt + Shift + Backspace and Ctrl + Shift + Backspace will flood the image foreground and background respectively, while remaining transparent transparent plastic.
19. If you hold down the Alt key and cause free transformation using Ctrl + T, the transformation will be performed on the object mines. Ctrl + Shift + T to repeat any recent transformation.
20. Ramer canvas can easily be increased by using a tool Crop Tool, drag it off the canvas and then click OK.
21. Ctrl + J creates a copy of the current layer.
22. Ctrl + Shift + E will merge all visible layers into one, Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E will merge a copy of the visible layers into a new layer.
23. When using the Marquee Tool (Selection), hold down Alt, to make the starting point of the center of the selected area.
24. Ctrl + D to deselect, Ctrl + Shift + D to return to the selection.
25. When you create a selection using the Marquee Tool, hold Space, to move the selection, release - to continue to allocate.
26. Pressing the Shift key and "+" or "-" Change the layer mode to: Normal, Dissolve, Multiply, Screen, Overlay
27. If you select the Brush tool or any other transparent layer can be changed by pressing any appropriate number on the keypad:
- By pressing a single digit [4 = 40%]
- To set a more accurate transparency% [7 hold 2 and then will result in 72%].
28. Hold down the Alt key and clic on the eye icon next to the layer in the Layers palette to hide all other layers except the current one.
29. A sample of the color can be taken not only from the image in Photoshop, but also outside of the program. Umenshte Photoshop window so you can see the image on which you want to define a color, take this tool Eyedropper Tool (pipette), please click inside of Photoshop and print without releasing it outside the window.
30. Select the layer, hold Alt and clic on the border between the upper and the current layer to create Cliping Mask, thus the top layer will be visible in the lower part, the lower mask replaces.
31. Hold the Alt key while pressing the button to create a new layer "Create a new layer" in the Layers palette to display the dialog box with the settings for the new layer.
32. Select the layer and hold Alt please click on the trash bin in the layers palette, thus layer was removed without question. Make a selection for transparency where you want to go to the Channels tab and press Ctrl + click on the button "Create new channel", thus creators alpha channel only for selected areas.
33. File> Automate> Contact Sheet II - create small previvyushki for each file oktrytogo currently in Photoshop, in a separate document in a row and sign them.
34. In the Move Tool in the settings option is available avtovydeleniya layer "Auto Select Layer" depending on where the click.
35. Working with the tool Move Tool, pressing Alt + Shift + right click on various objects in the image, located on different layers, will highlight all these layers.
36. Working with a grid Grid, pull the upper corner of levy, where the scale for the Grid, and the origin of them will be in the place where you release the mouse button. Double-click in the upper right corner, throw a starting point to its original position.
37. Create a path with the Pen Tool, you can hide / show it again using a combination of Ctrl + Shift + H.
38. Navigation Control with the arrow keys can be part of an effective mouse:
Home = scroll to the top left corner
End = scroll to the bottom right corner
PageUp = scroll up one page
PageDown = scroll down one page
Ctrl + PageUp = scroll to the left by one page
Ctrl + PageDown = scroll right one page
Shift + PageUp = scroll up to 10 pixel
Shift + PageDown = scroll down to the pixel 10
Ctrl + Shift + PageUp = scroll to the left by 10 pixel
Ctrl + Shift + PageDown = scroll to the right by 10 pixel
39. Ctrl + Tab will switch you between different windows with images.
40. F12 returns the state of the image, which was the last save.
41. Keyboard shortcuts for channels: RGB, CMYK, Indexed color
Ctrl + "~" = RGB
Ctrl + 1 = red
Ctrl + 2 = green
Ctrl + 3 = blue
Ctrl + 4 = other path
Ctrl + 9 = other path
Ctrl + "~" = CMYK
Ctrl + 1 = light green
Ctrl + 2 = pink red
Ctrl + 3 = yellow
Ctrl + 4 = black
Ctrl + 5 = other path
Ctrl + 9 = other path
Ctrl + 1 = Indexed
Ctrl + 2 = other path
Ctrl + 9 = other path
42. Hold down the Ctrl You can stretch the Navigator palette red rectangle, thereby scaling the image.
43. Hold down the Alt key and clic on any step in the history, thus Step copied.
44. Press the Alt key and pull the step from one Action to another, get a copy of the action.
45. In the filter, Lens Flare (Filter> Render> Lens Flare) specify the exact coordinates may be holding the Alt + clicking on the preview window.
46. Hold the Shift + Alt transformation of the object will be made proportionally from the center.
47. If you selected the Move Tool and you want to copy something, just hold down the Alt key and pull the image. Hold down the Shift + Alt object easily move along napryavlyayuschih Grid.
48. If you want to straighten the horizon or jagged edges after scanning, then grab the Measure Tool (ruler), draw a line along your curve, then go to Image> Rotate Canvas> Arbitrary, rotation angle photoshop substitute himself, left click OK and the image turned off.
49. If you sozdaetet something in Illustrator, skopriuyte and paste in Photoshop, it will ask in what form insert: a pixel or in Shape.
50. To display the Rules, press Ctrl + R.
51.Chtoby image was clearly the center of the Ctrl + A, Ctrl + X, Ctrl + V.
52. Ctr + E will merge current layer with the underlying.
53. If you select a tool Brush Tool, you can control the diameter of the brush by means of the [and].
54. Double click on the Zoom Tool tool returns zoom in 100%, and the tool Hand Tool stretch the image to the screen area.
55. Work with the text:
Ctrl + H will hide a highlighted character.
If you select the symbol, clic on line select the font type and you can use the arrow keys to select the font type.
Alt + left or right arrow to change the indentation between characters 10.
Ctrl + Alt + left or right arrow to change the indentation between sivolami 100.
56. Ctrl + Alt + T will create a copy of the object that you want to transform.
57. Ctrl + Alt + right arrow, left, up or down skopriuet current layer and will move to 1px.
58. Change the active layer using Alt + [or].
59. Move the active layer up or down using Ctrl + [or].
60. To hide guides Grid, press Ctrl +
61. Ctrl + [plus key] zoom in, Ctrl + [key minus] - reduce. Ctrl + Alt + [plus key] will increase the scope and size of the window is the same for Ctrl + Alt + [minus key].
62. Using the tool Polygonal Lasso Tool, press Backspace, to undo the last step.
63. Press X to perklyucheniya foreground and background sites.
64. Press D to reset the colors for the foreground and background in the default colors: black and white.
65. To display the palette settings Brushes, press F5.
66. To display the palette Layers, press F7.
67. Ctrl + click on the layer icon in the layers palette will create a selection of the layer contents.
68. If you want to see the contents of the layer mask, then hold down the Alt key and make click on the layer mask.
69. Alt + click on the icon to create a mask layer will create a black mask.
70. When using the Polygonal Lasso Tool, hold down Shift, to create a straight angle increments of 45 degrees.
71. To better organize layers - group the selection by pressing Ctrl + G.
72. Ctrl + Shift + N creates a new file with the output of the dialog box; Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N creates a new layer in the working file.
73. Let us return to the hands, [and] keys decrease and increase the diameter of the brush, and Shift + [or] will change the brush hardness.
74. Press Alt, Burning Tool to perform the function was the Dodge Tool, and vice versa.
75. Stamp Tool clone parts of an image (Alt + click - to determine the area to copy). This also works if photoshop open multiple images and you can also clone any portions of other images, you just place the image within view on the screen.
76. Ctrl + click on the layer icon creates a selection of the object on that layer. If you want to select more than one object on multiple layers, hold an additional and Shift.
77. To combine palettes in one, pull the shortcut any tab to another palette to other Tabs and it will move.
78. When creating text, pressing Enter creates a new line to finish writing press Ctrl + Enter or Enter on the numeric keypad.
79. You can move the layer to any other open image in Photoshop, thus will create a copy of the layer. Hold down Shift as you drag the contents of the layer and inserted clearly in the middle.
80. Create a new document in Photoshop sized 500h500px, create a new layer, grab the Brush Tool, Brush Lift standard round, any diameter and place a point at the top center (position as at 12 hours). Press Ctrl + Alt + T, it will create a copy of the terms and allow it to transform. Pull the point in the center of a transformed object Pivot Point and set it clearly in the center of the image at the top corner cooks enter 30 degrees and click OK. Now the trick .... Press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + T 10 times and you will see what happens!
81. Working with instrmuentom Move Tool You can select any layer by clicking on the part of the object with pressed Ctrl.
82. To select a group of layers without using the Layers palette? To select a single layer, we know from paragraph 81, and add another layer to the group may be holding Ctrl + Shift and click on the making of the object rasolozhennomu on another layer.
83. Remove multiple layers can be simple pertaskivaniem group layers on the basket icon in the Layers palette, select a group as we know from paragraph 82.
84. Delete the current layer may be holding the Alt key and pressing 3 times L.
85. After applying the filter, its effects can be mitigated by using the Fade, by pressing Shift + Ctrl + F.
86. Copy the layer mask can be dragging it with Alt on another layer.
87. From the vertical guide Grid easily can be horizontal, selecting tool Move Tool, hold down the Alt key and click on the guide itself. And vice versa.
88. Save the document using the Save for Web information about the document is lost, to save it, use Save As.
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