dear All
My bottle mania continues!
this is my 4th bottle alteration!
this time-- a sea-theme!
I totally enjoyed the journey.
here its not possible to describe the process but i wish to share some of the experience associated with it!
Thanks to my brother (he has a marine Aquarium),I borrowed the golden shell from him..the original colour was pale brown and i made it "bronze" so that it can go with the whole thing.and the corals also which are original!
I borrowed some sand from a construction site to make the sea bed at bottom!to give the sands a shimmering effects i used some gold highlights ( i know its invisible for my camera condition)
First I was not sure what else i could make,I searched net and decided to make a starfish with epoxy clay !
the neck of the bottle is decorated as a light house ,I added a small window in it!
overall i am satisfied with the out come
i go really slow with my creativity ,that's the trick!
see you soon