Thursday, March 14, 2013

“The urge to destroy is also a creative urge.”
― Pablo Picasso

Thursday, March 7, 2013

“Creativity comes from trust. Trust your instincts. And never hope more than you work.” -Rita Mae Brown

Saturday, March 2, 2013

"The essential part of creativity is not being afraid to fail."
— Edwin H. Land

glass painting

reading hobbies!!

dear friends.

I have another hobby , and that is reading.I love to read all kinds of books .

Romance books are very close to my heart,so I would like to share some of the books which are in my possessions,for many days!!

I hope you will like these new additions.its free!!

hope it will bring colors in to your life.

here you will able to download this touching story!!it will surely warmup your heart!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

pick a hobby

Pick a Hobby

Today is life — the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake.Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto.
-Dale Carnegie

These days I am enjoying my old hobbies very much.I was never been so "alive" in the past couple of years,when I was living a life without them.Many people don't indulge in hobbies just because they think ,its nothing but wastage of time and money-not a wrothwhile thing to do.We always cant blame them for thinking  such a way.
As we  grow up , simple joys of life are replaced by many responsibilities and liabilities.So people either don't have time or don't have enough money to pursue one of their childhood's favorite pastimes.They often think it as another burden to be  added on their to-do list.

What people fails to understand that ,hobbies have a profound effect on us-physically ,mentally and emotionally.In short ,Hobbies have a positive effect on life.People doesn't necessarily needs to have an expensive hobby.Some very simple and easy-to-do hobbies can help us unwind. Personally I think hobbies are one of those things which are always "custom-made ".People can always choose the time ,tastes,size and shapes of their hobby.Hence hobbies has a flexible character in them.We feel freedom .We feel such passion towards it.We cherish it. We nurture it. We get emotionally attached to it, so naturally its close to our heart no matter what hobby it is. we practically "court" our hobby.

Having a hobby is always an uplifting experience.
We get such joy and fulfilment out of our hobbies that it cant be an unimportant wastage.with so much flexibility  with it ,why we repeatedly need an excuse to keep it at arms length ?anything with so much positive energy flowing from cant be all bad and wastage.Since it comes in all sizes and shapes its always advisable to pick up the positive ones.

why we need to have a hobby?what effects they have on our psychology?

Hobbies often involves some kinds of self expression.Be it dancing,singing,painting, crafts ,even  in sports, where personal performance counts a lot.Pent up emotions(good or bad) which we often suppress can come out with the help of the hobbies.

relieves stress
A feel-good factor is always involved with the practice of hobbies.Its nothing but the release of endorphin hormones to our blood stream which relives pain,stress,fatigue,depression, headache,blood-pressure.Hobbies are known for boosting immune systems.Some hobbies like, free fall, skating or jumping can give the ultimate adrenalin rush.

"be aware of the hobby that eats"

hobbies can be used  for confidence-building  especially after any personal trauma or serious illness.hobbies helps us to find our true values.It builds our self-esteem.By relentless self exploration we often find  latent talents and skills.These self exploration can be fun too. Along with self-discovery it gives us the opportunity to discover personal -styles.Productive hobbies can make some extra cash which boosts our ego.

Interpersonal relationships  is another vital thing which we need to take care and hobbies can be a great means to do it.Hobbies teaches us to respect and learn about current social trends,exchanging ideas with a fellow hobbitist can inspire us.That's how people will take interest in us and in  our hobby and viseversa. Socializing outside ours usual familiy  and friends helps us  to broaden our horizons .it creates our perfect world.

emotional health
Instead of watching tv or useless gossip over the phone we can occupy ourselves with the can calm down our emotional agitations. Indulging in hobbies can keep our negative and depressive thoughts away.

being active
many retired persons or house wives can remain active just by choosing a favorite hobby,it keeps  our brain active, since many hobbies has  some moments of challenge.physical hobbies keeps us   fit.

many hobbies can help us to bond,no matter what the relationship is.Having  common hobbies means having a common ground.Many troubled marriages and broken relations can be healed just by sharing a hobby.It can save relationships.

surrounding environments has an effect on us psychologically.Hobbies can help us to personalize our environment ,especially home.It gives us a sense of peace and security.Giving hand-made gifts  have a real sentimental in value.

we get many valuable insights through the hobbies.Many things we get to by ourselves,by  trial and error method.we become self sufficient. we can use creativity to solve our personal problems.

A truely joyful yet healthy competition can  be found in the hobbies.Here talent and passion is everything and  a word of appreciation is the trophy.The difficult it gets ,the more pleasurable it becomes.

happy in-side
now a days we often look for happiness outside.but hobby teaches us the old fact that  ,for true happiness ,we need to look within.hobbies helps us to be happy with ourselves ,accepts ourselves as we are.In this fast-lane life we often don't get time to spend  with ourselves.hobbies gives us that opportunities.

hobbies helps us to see things from different perspectives. we come out of our comfort-zone to explore new things and ideas .which can release the monotony and blockages of thinking pattern.eventually we become a better person.

hobbies can come real handy in dealing with addiction.many harmful addictions can be replaced with the joyful hobbies.

through hobbies we learn to value dedication,patience, discipline , dexterity, alertness, information dealing and maintaining consistancy.

multiple intelligence
hobbies can boost our multiple intelligence ,which makes us even stronger when it comes to adaptability.

passion keeps us alive  so indulge in your passions .it removes our blockage and brings a loads of joy.

 "hobby is a hard work that you would not do for living."

some odd hobbies:
ghost hunting
metal detecting
UFO hunting
Collecting antique buttons
monster researching
collecting old purses
playing dead
finger nails and toe nails collecting

"a hobby a day keeps the doldrums away"
